For the LP exam, you can sit in the theory section


You will get to know about the test rules and procedures when you are taking the SERU assessment re-sit test. You can study for the test in advance. Make sure that you are familiar with the instructions that are given to you. Make notes of everything that you learn. You may not realize all the information at first, but you will remember what you have learned better if you take notes.

There are two types of driving courses offered in Sri Lanka. One is to learn driving skills with a learner’s permit (LP) and the other one is to take a full license seru assessment mock test called the Driver & Vehicle Licensing Examinations (DVL). It takes approximately eight hours to take the DLV examination and it takes about two and a half hours to take the LP examination.

For the LP exam, you can sit in the theory section to test your basic knowledge of traffic laws, road signs, vehicles, road safety, road rules, traffic rules, etc. Once you have passed the theory part, you will move to the practical section. This is where you will drive a vehicle around the test center with other drivers.

As for the DVL, you will have to follow instructions that are given to you by a teacher. The DVL test involves both theoretical and practical driving skills.

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